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hello,i need someone to help me for my page product do auto refresh when i click & change in a variant but not in any 5sec do automaticlly refresh.please this is the code for auto refresh in 5sec, you can upgrate iti put this is code in product.liqu...
thanks for your advice !can you to help me for upgrade this code for be do refresh when i shose a variant automaticllyi put this is code in product.liquid<html> <head> <script type = "text/JavaScript"> <!-- function Aut...
Click to not using theme shopify, im using theme of themeforest ( envanto )im not using theme shopify, im using theme of themeforest ( envanto )
not solved my problem yet
my purpose for that, because Compare at price ( old price ) does not change when changing variant, it's change until i refresh the page
hello,i need someone to help me for my page product do autorefresh when i click & change in a variant but not in any 5sec do auto refresh, please this is the code for autorefresh in 5sec, you can upgrate it.i put this is code in product.liquid<html>...