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Same problem here. Shopify, any update?
Not yet no
Hello,I'm trying to promote one color on existing product. Actually, many of our products (clothes) are not new in themselves but we propose a new color which is.In order to highlight/promote only this new color, and not the others of the same produc...
I'm looking to doing the same! 
It worked perfectly. Thank you !
Hello,Texts in the description to be unbold are H1 and H2 :*[image: Capture d’écran 2023-02-23 à 10.21.49.png]*Any idea how I should do it?Many thanksAlice
Hello,I'm trying to overwrite a sentence inside h1 with strong attributes (see below) to make it weight 300.Instead of doing this manually (it's on many product descriptions) I'm looking for a rule to be applied.I tried adding CSS selector such as fo...
I'm also looking for an answer here. Any news on how to solve this?
Hey,I have the same problem. My website is in french yet the URL handle of the Policies pages are in english. For exemple: would like to have /politiques/politique-de-confidentialitéIs there a way to do...
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