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‎09-13-2023 03:23 AM
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Bio: Mgroup is a full-cycle development company, specializing in web eCommerce solutions. Founded in 2015, we already created a portfolio of more than 550 ...

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More details are needed to solve this problem. Please send a screenshot or a part of the code that is responsible for displaying this button.If you need a more detailed explanation or further help - just contact me or my company by email info@ mgroup...
Hi,When you using richtext setting you can choose heading. Select your title and change in heading to h1, but make sure that this title is the only h1 on page in other way SEO will throw error that h1 tag is present in more than one example on page I...
Hello, Jacob89I have several reasons why the collection aren't desplayed: Check Collection Visibility: Ensure that the collections and their products are set to be visible and available for online sales. You can check this in your Shopify admin under...
Hello, Rdbi I would use metafields. Metafields are a flexible way for add additional information about a Shopify resource, such as a product. Read these articles first link  second link and watch some video about metafileds on Shopify. I hope that my...
Hi Jessie2023!Meta tags provide information about your webpage to search engines and social media platforms.Please take a moment to check out this topic: 'Edit the title and meta description for a page'. I hope that my answer helps you to resolve the...
Hi Cbrown218!Shopify's terms of service state that users must be at least 18 years old, so you may be at risk of having your account suspended if you are found to be under the age limit. I hope that my answer helps you to resolve the issue. If you ne...
Hi Iuzairaziz!Sorry to hear about your problem.I assume the first thing you need to do is run the 'npm install' command (this command is used to install third-party modules into current directory).After that try "npm run dev" again (this command is l...
Hi Smadler!It seems like you have 2 different images. Look at this src:  Français, Deutsch, Español - has the same src.If we look at English version of site - it displays another src.Maybe the images were incorrectly added to the Customize (the same ...
Hi Zoose!Unfortunately, I can't see the attached photo.But when we talked about the top/bottom space, between some elements, we can use different types of techniques to achieve this.1. MarginThis property can be used to set a margin on all four sides...
Hi BumbleLiving!Optimizing your website by minimizing unused JavaScript can lead to faster loading speeds.Here are some options that can help you:- use a performance analysis tool (for example Lighthouse, PageSpeed Insights);With these tools, you wil...
Hello, Khsu!If you want to show second image on hover, you need to create 2 blocks (or 2 img). By default 2nd block must have opacity: 0, after this add pseudo class 'hover' and opacity: 1.If you wanna add it only on desktop - create a media query to...
Hey @insert_username ,The minimum required files are:- as you correctly noticed - layout/theme.liquid, but it must be valid, i.e. contain{{ content_for_header }} and {{ content_for_layout }} - and the second mandatory file is templates/index.liquid, ...
Hello,I adjusted the code, and now your buttons will looks like on screenshot below: <style> .product_tags{ display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .product_tags lable{ width: 100%; } .product_tags { color: #000000; background: #FFFFFF; b...
Hello,If you know the file, where you deleted a part of code, you can try to restore it with backup file.Choose "Edit Code" on your theme, search the file where your code was deleted-> open it and choose the previous version. Little presentation bell...
Hello,Sorry for late reply.You can back your buttons if you add next code in the end to file "base.css".body .product .grid__item{ --color-foreground: var(--color-base-text) !important; }It should help. If something go wrong - inform me, please.I...
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