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This is happening for us too. In our case it is because of a deleted customer account with the same email as an active account. If you include "first:1" in the query, the edges and nodes are empty arrays, hasNextPage is true, but endCursor is null. 
Can someone point to me to any documentation that explains the rate limit for the customerRecover mutation on the Storefront API? There seems to be something else in play other than the normal time-based leaky bucket logic. I sometimes get only a sin...
Important to note, however, is that the Storefront API is rate-limited by IP address and also seems to have some undocumented logic which limits the number of recovery requests by IP. Which means that if you are initiating this recovery from your ser...
I'm new to the Shopify ecosystem, so this is probably a basic question, but I haven't been able to find a clear answer so far in the documentation I'm reading.... How do I track referrals to my Shopify site from a mobile app that is being developed i...
Thank you for the reply. Yes, I have taken a look at those resources and have a rough idea of the direction we would need to take. Still a lot of open questions, though. For example:The Storefront API is "unauthenticated" and "read only" according to...
Total newbie inquiry here.... I work with a development shop and as part of a larger project we're being asked to integrate their Shopify storefront into a cross-platform native app. So, not simply embedding the web storefront into into a mobile brow...
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