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Hi there, We rely heavily on the customer type field that's available in Shopify UI > Reports > Analytics. However, I can't find any references to this field in the GraphQL API documentation. Can you please help?
Hi, We're strongly reliant on a customer_type metafield. I'm sure we have data here, but the query I send to retrieve this shows no data. Can someone please please help? {
shop {
customers(first: 250) {
edges {
node {
hi @ShopifyDevSup !Thanks for getting back to us.We have since been approved by the orders project, but now, we face a different problem as a described here (INTERNAL ERROR):
Hiunfortunately the error still persists: {'errors': [{'message': 'Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: a02e8310-6ee0-4f33-ab6a-01b48fdce1b4 (include this in support requests).', 'extensions': {'code': 'INTERNAL_SE...
Hi,we are trying to query the ShopifyQL orders table to get the net_sales via: curl -L -X POST '' \-H 'Content-Type: application/graphql' \-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: REMOVED' \--data-raw '...
HI @ShopifyDevSup We are not running into a problem that when we make the following query, we are running into an API error:query {{order(id: "gid://shopify/Order/{order_id}") {{customerJourneySummary {{lastVisit {{utmParameters {{mediumsourcecampaig...
hey @ShopifyDevSup ! Were you able to check my previous questions yet? Would be great to understand whether the UTM fields will be made available via ShopifyQL again any time soon ! Thank you!
hey @ShopifyDevSup ! So in order to reproduce the following query, that was available via ShopifyQL and the sales dataset about 2 months ago: from sales show ordered_item_quantity, total_sales, net_sales, taxes, shipping, duties, additional_fees, dis...
Hi ShopifyDevSup, Thanks for your reply.A sales report containing the following columns can be exported via the Shopify UI: day,utm_campaign_content,utm_campaign_medium,utm_campaign_term,utm_campaign_source,utm_campaign_name,orders,gross_sales,discou...
Hi, I have created a marketing campaign for our store and added a marketing activity to it, but when I query the GraphQL API, the response comes back empty. This is my query below: (I am able to retrieve other data using GraphQL, so would discard an...
We have a private app that is authenticated on the store level, which requires the authentication of the store owner- however, one of our customers is an agency that has a 'collaborator' access to the stores of their customers and they cannot authent...