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Hi, I added in-stock filter button, that when checked displays only in stock products on collections, and when unchecked displays all products. But this is breaking the pagination, and when I tried using infinite scroll  it leaves some unused space b...
Hi Psco,You need to add an entry for Business_name in your default locale file .File can found under Theme > Locales > en.default.json .In this file try searching for "register" , it might look like  this:"register": {"title": "Create account","first...
Hi, Were you able you resolve this issue? I am getting the same error when trying to upload video.Some of your media failed to upload, please retry again. demo-video.mp4: Video failed validation
I am trying to upload video to shopify using Graphql API.I can successfully Generate the upload URL and parameters for video just as an example in the link.But when I try to upload the video using the url and parameter, I am getting an errorError upl...
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