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Let us assume that our use case is this: A merchant wishes to export all of their Shopify products into a products list (XLSX file, CSV, XML or otherwise). Up until now, an app that used the REST API to fetch all products from the store, using link b...
I am using the Admin API to query a store's orders via GraphQL and I see that the supported filter parameters have some interesting ones, such as "delivery_method" ( My question is, ho...
Thank you for your reply. The logic of the app is that it creates a shipping carrier service for the Shopify store. When a customer reaches the Shipping section of the Checkout, the carrier service callback URL is hit and returns some dynamic shippin...
I want to find a direct way to get the orders of a shop that were made through a particular shipping line source (or carrier service). What query parameter can I use from the orders query in the GraphQL API, or should I make it through another query ...
When I type shopify populate products --help, this is the description that I am getting for optional flags to apply in the command. As you can see, there are some flags where the descriptions refers to 'a list' of values. This is the reason why I ask...
Looking at the shopify CLI helping text for the shopify populate products command, there are some flags such as --options that can take a list of arguments. My question is, what is the syntax I should use to separate the values for these arguments? I...