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Thanks again @ZestardTech Unfortunately, it didn't work. Please let me explain the issue in details:That's how the product page looked on desktop when switching to RTL (Arabic): I added this code to the theme.liquid file to add space between the phot...
Thank you @PageFly-Noah I made the image fill the screen, and when I tried 80% there was still a margin. Moreover, it affected the English version ( added extra margin).
Thank you @ZestardTech But unfortunately, it didn't work:    
Dear Support Community, I used the below code to add some right margin to the product info container only when switching to RTL.It is working on desktop, however, it affected the mobile view as well.I need to mobile view to remain centered (no margin...
Got it. For the benefit of the community , this is the modified code:{% if request.locale.iso_code == 'ar' %}<style>body {direction: rtl !important;}footer * {text-align: right !important;}.drawer__close {float: left !important;right: auto !important...
Hello Support Community. The cart drawer closure button and the arrows of the multicolumns section on the product page are overlapping with the text. Is it possible not to affect those icons position when shifting to RTL? Store URL: nefertari-eg.mysh...
@michaelivanov  I am so sorry to bother you again, but more details got revealed as I go forward.I hope you don't mind asking you for one last advise. The cart drawer closure button and the arrows of the multicolumns section on the product page are o...
Thank you so much @EBOOST . Worked perfectly.
Hello Support Community, The images' bottom side in the multirow section is hidden by the text. How to add some space above the text area so the full image appears ?   This is how the image looks on desktop:
Works like charm!Thank you so much @michaelivanov  for your help. I really appreciate it.
Thanks again @michaelivanov It is working on the entire shop except for the footer. Any recommendations please? 
@Marvelpro_ That is so kind of you, and I hope that I am not abusing your kindness  Honestly, I got lost in the code section.I sent you an invitation. Thank you so much.
Thank you @Marvelpro_ . Sorry, how/where to add this class? Add a class to the left-aligned text elements in the English version, for example, `text-left-en`.  
My Accepted Solutions
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