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Hei there Josh!Can you help me figure out why this is happening with my website also and how can I fix it?  
Hei there! did you manage to fix this issue? I have the same problem 
Hei Everyone, I have been looking through similar threads and tried a couple of codes to fix my issue but it did not work. Can somebody please help me out? SO my issue is that my drop down menu is not showing on mobile view. When I click on the 3 lin...
Hei how exactly can we do this? can you please help me?When I switch to Finnish page I can only see sizes and not the product types translations ... what exactly should I do to solve this?  
Hei there, do we have any updated for this? I have the exactly same issue. Really looking forward for a solution for the Product Type translations
I have exactly the same issue!! it is so annoying! I am really hoping for a solution as this is super important  
I know how to add it myself, I've already done some code modifications just that I don't know what to write. Sorry but I don't feel ok to give you access to my store. I can provide a preview link
Hello Everyone, is there a way to customize how the language selector is displayed?I wish to have it as simple text ENG/FIN instead of the drop down menu, and in line with the text "language"Can someone help me with the code for it? I am using DAWN t...
oh and remove the text language
Hei, I have been following this thread and managed to move the language selector in the header also. But is there a way to customize it to look something like:  ENG/FIN instead of drop down menu?  https://z918gj8kj5mul7nu-60720152771.shopifypreview.c...
Hello everyone, can someone please help me with the code needed to remove the border line that sourrounds the buttons the the image slideshow? I am using DAWN theme. Check the picture attached 
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