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Hi , Is there a way we can send comments ( shipping instruction) to shopify using a fulfillment api ?
Hi , I am using graphql for multiple tracking id added on fulfillmentHere is the below query and variable i am using{"query": "mutation fulfillmentCreateV2($fulfillment: FulfillmentV2Input!) { fulfillmentCreateV2(fulfillment: $fulfillment) { fulfillm...
Hi, I am using graphql for multiple tracking id and url update for fulfillments, but i am unable to send "notify_customer":true, but its showing error in post man ""message": "Variable $fulfillment of type FulfillmentV2Input! was provided invalid val...
"notify_customer":true parameter is not working using update tracking API or Fulfillment API. After use this parameter customer not received shipment notification mail , I verified in shopify notification, email setup is working fine.
Hi, How can i update shipment date, carrier code and carrier name update using shopify API?
Using Inventory Level i am able to update Inventory Avalable not its not update on hand .Can you share me a example please?
Hi, I want to update Inventory On_hand quantity using shopify API,I am using below API with the screenshot but i am unable to update on hand quantityPlease suggest me what i can change to get
Can you provide me brief shipping fields details for required every logistics company ?
what is the list of shipment details fields name in excel file to send data our 3rd party logistics to shopify?
is it possible to use live Api to transfer all our order details to our .net Application database?If yes , Please provide me a solutions
Using Shopify workflow create a workflow like end of the day total order saved in spreadsheet and send the order to our third party , I faced some problem in spreedsheet row content box how to add orderid, customer details and payment status, Can you...
Hi @PaulNewton , Using Api can you suggest me how to create same process also use excel data?
How to create a process when order created end of the day only today's order are send to our 3rd party inventory management through excel or csv format and also send them notification, After that when 3rd party inventory update quantity and make th...
The 3 below emails are still not sending while customer make orders: Order has Shipped EmailOut for Delivery EmailOrder has been delivered Email
Hi @Liam ,For using this inventory Level can i update bulk amount of product on hand quantity?