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Worked 100% Thank you!
I'm using the Dawn theme. On my Contact Us page, the form is there, but the button to submit is invisible. How do i fix this? The button is there I can click it, you just can't see it. Here is a link the the contact us form Contact – lovingmemoryprin...
WORKS GREAT! is it possible to do this for the heading section as well? 
were you able to look at it?
Hi, the site address is lovingmemoryprints.comThank you.#- Please type your reply above this line -##
I need some assistance adding an image to my home page and collection page for on the homepage I want it to be next to "editable 8-page funeral program templates" and above the first program image. I will upload photos to show ...
Trying to make my logo banner smaller on the front page of this website none of the settings seem to change anything. I would like to shrink it just enough so you can see the products beneath. Any help is greatly appre...
I for the life of me can not figure out how to change the title at the top of this page. I would like it to say All Products. How do I do this?  Thank you. Also need to do this for the Blog page, would like ...
Excellent Thank You! 
Is there a setting or way to remove the shipping and returns tab on my products pages? I...
Hey, I need help moving the "shop now" button down on my mobile version website. I want it at the bottom of the logo on the front page.  I was able to do this for the desktop version but cant figure it out for the mobile versio... I need to add a contact me button to my shopify homepage, next to the cart. would like it to be a similar logo. Is this something I can do? or need to hire someone?
Excellent! Thank you worked perfectly. You wouldn't happen to know how to do it for the mobile version as well would you?
I have two buttons on my homepage I need to change the names for. I can find the code to change the names together, but not independently. I changed the names  of the buttons I'm talking about to these buttons. I need to change the name of the first ...
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This widget could not be displayed.