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if you want to slice your long title to first two words for your collection listing page and full title to be show in the product page ,then you can try this {{ product_card_product.title | split: ' ' | slice: 0, 2 | join: ' ' }}
HiThanks for the help, truly appreaicted.
HiSo Secondary Development you are referring to a Offiline Developmet? Local enviorment? through Shopify CIL exporting the theme and importing it back with the new changes? let me know if i have understood it right?
Hi Thanks for the reply, We do this soultion if there are minor changes here and there of the current version, but when its a comeplte overhaul where the changes are for new theme, new layouts and new apps interngration, along with various other ...
I think you are telling to have a copy of the theme file in the same store and do a development in that and the publish it back ?
This new development is a compelte overhaul, right from new theme, UI, Apps so just don't want to mess up with the live version and also to have a smooth development . so little skeptical of this approach
Need a help to understand what is the best way out when we need to revamp the existing shopify store with a new UI, how we can begin the development, what are the best pratices? whether we should create a new store with exporting the existing stack ...