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This requires tweaking your theme code, I can't tell what your shop address is
HalloIch kann diese Funktion für Sie anpassen.Bei Bedarf erreichen Sie mich per  
Vous pouvez modifier la langue de votre thème 
Edit your theme code,Find the section-collection-list.css file,Add code at the very bottom:.card--card.card--media>.card__content{ display:none !important; } 
The Studio theme does not have this function and needs to be implemented by coding. Please contact me if you need it.I can implement configurable images, title text, detail text, and clickable links for you,
You can annotate a paragraph with reference to the image above and add the following code <a target="_blank" href="/pages/contact" class="btn product-form__cart-submit" ...
Please let us know your store link or theme name
Sie können versuchen, 5 * 1000 auf 25 * 1000 zu ändern
Fügen Sie in der Datei theme.liquid den folgenden Code vor dem letzten Tag </body> ein<script> setTimeout(function () { var tidioScript = document.createElement('script'); tidioScript.src='//'; document.body.appendChild(tid...
Maybe you can adjust the font-size to 8.5vw to solve this problem
I tried the following code and it appears two buttons <div class='product-item'></div> <div class='product-item'></div>(function () { var scriptURL = ''; if (window.Sho...
document.getElementsByClassName('buybutton').forEach(node => { ShopifyBuy.UI.onReady(client).then(function (ui) { ui.createComponent('product', { id: '7369316827224', node, //... })
没有的话可以自己添加。第一步:创建文件theme.css.liquid因为scss.liquid被弃用,所以用css.liquid 第二步:引用文件 {{ 'theme.css' | asset_url | stylesheet_tag }}  然后你在theme.css.liquid文件中写入代码就会生效 
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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