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This is incorrect, you cannot disable the main Shopify Order Confirmation email. There is no checkbox for Order Confirmation:  @Cedcommerce wrote:Hello @Nischay,  You can follow the below steps to resolve this issue.  Log in to your Shopify account a...
Did you find a way to do this?
Link to your website. Are you using Shopify Buy Buttons?
Facebook "guesses" at your sales since iOS 14.5 with more users enabling browser privacy & Do Not Track. Meta likes calls this "Data Modeling". You should see a [2] next to your purchases in FB Ads Manager. I have seen it both over estimate and under...
This looks like a good app, but I doubt it will work with Shopify Buy Buttons which is the topic of this thread.
What is your primary domain in Shopify and what is the domain used in the buy buttons? I fund if you don't use the primary domain in the buy buttons, sometimes users will get redirected to the home page instead of the buy button checkout.
I tried the above Limit Quantity Purchase by Magecomp and according to their support team, it does NOT work with Shopify Buy Buttons. Wasted about 2 hours trying to get it to work.
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