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Hello everyone, I am trying to achieve the following layout on my website using Impulse themeHere is my code {%- if section.settings.divider -%}<div class="section--divider">{%- endif -%}
<div class="page-width">
{%- if section.settings.title != b...
How can I do that?I added my old theme´s brand code to my impulse theme, the section is showing up in my customizer this is my old theme´s brand code:{% if section.settings.display_brands_slider %}
<section class="slider-brand-wrapper container wow ...
Is it possible to change the view it looks on mobile through coding? If I preview it on mobile, the overlaid box is too bigCan I add a code to make the size of the text in mobile smaller?
Thank u so much! it worked
https://58ryt8xq8m0aqnha-3609919561.shopifypreview.com heres the preview link, i added a collection list at the bottom of the home page so you can check it
Hi there, thanks for the reply. I tried doing that but this is how it looks: Here´s a preview link of the home page with my theme´s logo list Can i convert that section to a slider?
Hello, I recently bought Impulse theme and I am working on the transition, right now I am working on my collection´s list:I can´t see to find a way to change that overlaid background in theme setting, This how it currently looks on my actual theme, c...
Hi all, I would love to get some help in changing the size of the images shown in the 'Logo list' in Impulse theme, I would like them smallerHeres the code{%- style -%}
.logo-bar--{{ }} {
opacity: {{ section.settings.logo_opacity | divid...
Turns out i was copying the wrong section code, thats why it wasnt showing up during customization heres the correct code for the newest section color collection {%- if section.settings.divider -%}<div class="section--divider">{%- endif -%}
<div cl...
Hello everyone, I am trying to achieve the following layout on my website using Impulse themeI tried to create a new section using list-collections-template from my theme´s section code, but its not showing up as a new section in my customization opt...
Thank u so much for the quick reply, it worked!
Yay!Its working, one last question, can I somehow limit that code to only the following section:{% section 'dynamic-collection-list-smeg2' %} Right now my others sections are also changed And I am only looking to edit the following section: {% sectio...
Thanks for the quick reply! This is the collection I am working on @Denishamakwana
Hello everyone, I am trying to achieve the following layout on my website I tried to copy the same code, but learnt here that it couldn´t be possible. So I am trying to accomplish that using my theme´s code and I got the following result: I want to...
Hello One of my website uses Ella Theme and has the following color section code {% if section.settings.enable %}
<div class="halo_custom_color_cl">
<div class="title">
{% if section.settings.title != blank %}
<h3>{% include 'multila...