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@Sierra3 Thank you so much for this.I used this in PageFly, since building the page and adding a subscription was not a problem until I tried to purchase in testing.I then got an error citing the subscription as the problemI used the second snippet s...
In the CSS file you pasted the styles in step 5remove the margin added to the first rule.breadcrumbs {margin: 0 0 2em;}to 
Unfortunately not.I'm holding out for an update on the Search and Discovery before attempting anything like that again.Last time I checked, the app also does not fully accommodate product metafields. Currently you can sort but not search based on met...
Here's a post that explains some of the detail.But to summarize, when your section has the {{ render mysnippet }} you can pass objects to the snippet. (Note, this example won't work as is)So {{ render mysnippet, price: product.price, image: product_i...
Thank you Paul.There was a conditional statement in one of the parent elements in the liquid code which prevented the images' display.*The solution is not suitable to post on this forum 
Hi Artzen, here are the details for the store.Store url: prestige-watch-wholesale.myshopify.compassword: rolexesThe file I've been editing is ../snippets/card_product.liquid
If anyone can help, that would be very appreciated.I am building a store on the Spotlight theme and have the challenge that not all products having images.So on collections, I want to make it so that if a product has no image there is a placeholder i...
Hi,I'm looking to modify the sort by functionality on collection pages on Dawn v 10.0.0the app used is the Shopify built Search and Discovery appOur store's sort by price is not working correctly, as it seems to be taking the least expensive variant ...
The script worked great for product page video, thank you!using Dawn v10.0.0
Just want to add here that  checkout.liquid is only available to Shopify Plus merchants, upon request
Yo Yo Yo, I'm enjoying the tool and have been fiddling.  It looks like a bug, But I got it figured First copy table to be pasted.Paste in Metafields as multiline text, but on the view source code view.Short video attached if my description is not qu...
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