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Absolutely fantastic work, thank you. From your experience what is a good resource I can use that can teach me valuable thing such as this?
Ok thanks, so I made this change but it seems to have taken away those paramters. How do I get the section id of a custom liquid in shopify?
I am having an issue where I want the css style in a custom liquid section to stay in that section, instead it effects other elements on the page if that makes sense. I am wondering is there a bracket I can put around this css in order to ensure the ...
Sadly this css is still effecting other elements on the page, had it worked for you?
12-01-2022 This is the css: <p class="moving-text"><strong>testing now</strong> testing scroll css</p><!-- The styles --><style>div {white-space: nowrap;overflow: hidden;text-overflow: clip;}/* Makes the animation pause on hover *...
Hello, so I have added a custom liquid to my homepage and began adding css code to perform a specific design I want. I notice though that this css code is then applied to the whole home page. Is there a way to have it so it only is applied to the spe...
Thank you for you inpute!
Was wondering if I could edit these pages wanted to add some more content here so it doesn't look so blank.
Is it possible to use a subscription app and local pick up or is this not currently possible?
I believe I have gone through the process of compressing images, limiting apps and using a 2.0 theme. My sites loads in 3 seconds as gtmetix outlines. Any resources or help would be greatly appreciated!
Perfect sent you a message, its a link to the theme that has this exported as the link I would send would just revert to the published theme
Since it is not my live theme I have trouble sending you a live link, is there a way to trouble shoot this?
Hello so I have attached the original code found on the original site, but I am having trouble replicating this same effect with the new site. It seems the data is pulled from the files section of shopify and I would like to replicate this Fan Photo...
That code makes the header like this: