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When I tried to run the below command after I updated the Shopify CLI to the current latest version - 3.66.1: shopify app generate extension I still got the error with the message "Unrecognized key(s) in object: 'webhooks'". However, I managed to sol...
I though this is fixed, but now in my testing store it skips showing and hiding for each navigation.Initial load -> shownavigate -> hide (expected: show)navigate -> show (expected: show)navigate -> hide (expected: show) Is anyone experiencing the sam...
Hi Impletus, as you may already know, the issue now is fixed and I confirmed that it works as expected now 
Hi Impetus, thank you for your message. I missed that issue. Thank you and let us hope it gets fixed soon.
Hi! I would like to ask for help from those who have experience with Shopify admin block extensions. Currently, I am in the process of creating a Admin block to be displayed on the order details page (target set toadmin.order-details.block.render). T...
Exactly the same here. Any workaround or suggestion is appreciated.
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