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Hola, Necesito ocultar una variante de un producto del que sí que tengo stock. Es decir tengo un nuevo lanzamiento de una variante de producto que ya tengo en stock y quiero ocultarla hasta el día del lanzamiento. ¿Alguien me puede ayudar con esto?  ...
Thank you Kani, could you please help me to do this?
Great thank you!  This is my url: matiere-studio.compassword: weareg How can I do this?Thank you
Hello! Thanks for your reply.  My url is www.matiere-studio.comand password: weareg It would be great if you could help with this. Thank you.  
Hello, I would like to add an horizontal menu at the top of the collection products page that enables you to switch from one collection to another.  This is what I have:   This is what I want:   Could you please help me with this? Thank you!  
Hello, I contact you because I can no longer see the product description on my product page, it has disappeared. Could you please help me with this? Thank you"   
Thank you so much for your help Dirk. I have another question: imagine I create products as variants. I have 1 bag in 5 different colors and I create 5 different products. Is it possible in this product page to create a variant button for example the...
Hi, I wanted to know if it is possible to add just one product variant to a product collection. I have a handbag brand and want to create a Best Sellers collection and I only want to show the best seller of a model X is in Green color. Is it posible ...
Thank you so much for your help!  
Thank you @SagarSukhanandi   it works but now I have a blank space at the right of the screen. How can I solve this??   
Hi, I have a problem with the express checkout buttons, they are not appearing neither in the product page, in the shopping cart or in the checkout.  I have activated the dynamic checkout button, I have Shopify Payments correctly installed and papal ...
Thank you @SagarSukhanandi   it works but now I have a blank space at the right of the screen. How can I solve this??    
Hi! I wanted to display my product variants on the category page so I added the app Variant Image Wizard and now I can see the variants displayed on the category page. The problem I have is that I also want the variants to be displayed in the collect...
Hi @SagarSukhanandi !I'm attaching a picture so you can see what I mean, the spaces between the categories are not the same. I would like to have the same space in horizontal than in vertical:   Also I would like to have this same space between produ...
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