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i got the same issue check: this is probably a bug in which when you change accent color you can not change it back for the whole checkout .. policy links and thi...
Accent colors in checkout is changing the fields like credit card info payment field but not the order summary and the policy links at the bottom for us 
Thank you but this does nothing 
The colorcode of the 3 sections i mentioned is not a standard color this is the color i use for all my accents in my shop so this got changed somehow 
Hey guys i need to change the color of cart symbol in checkout, footer policies and the show order summary text  I tried everything nothing works and i have only black as a color in my checkout options i am not using shopify plus so any CSS or liquid...
Did you find a solution? i have the same problem
did you find any solution? 
Did you find a solution?
i am having the same issue anyone found a solution?
Hey guys i am looking to reduce the size of the custom badges in purple on the impact theme can someone help me? :
Sure:  Thank you! 
Hey there i am looking to remove this white lines:  it should look like here:   i also want to make the elements appear in gold like in this video on hower can anyone help me with that?  
Hey guys how can i achieve this: I want to change this to a Original price with dynamic values, When i change the compare price it will just get placed after the normal price, How can i put this in with different price? - this website got it correct ...
Hey there can anyone help me with that? Im looking to change the color of this:  To this:   
Hey Leute, wir sind eine aktive Community im Discord, mit über 400 Leuten und über 80 Millionen Umsatz monatlich zusammen. Wir haben gemerkt, dass die Website: fake DMCAS an alle Stores schickt, die ein ähnliches Produkt haben. Sie senden ...
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