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IHi,The following GraphQL orderEditSetQuantity did not get executed when restock = true. {"query":"mutation decreaseLineItemQuantityDemo($id: ID!, $lineItemId: ID!, $quantity: Int!, $restock: Boolean) {orderEditSetQuantity(id: $id, lineItemId: $lineI...
We are looking for this API either REST or GRAPHQL.
Do we have any solution for this. I'm also looking for the same.
Hi Shopify,Any update on this ?
+ 1.We are also looking for collection/update event should fire if we sort the products manually.
Any update on introducing collects webhook?
I have split an order using API and create a new order using API. I have passed "CoD" as a value to the "payment_gateway_names" parameter. The newly created order did not show the payment_gateway_names" values in the JSON. It is just empty.
I am using the following mutation query in my .net application. {"query":"mutation orderEditBegin($id: ID!) { orderEditBegin(id: $id) { calculatedOrder { id originalOrder{ id lineItems(first:100){ edges{ node{ id sku } } } } lineItems(first:100){ edg...
TO remove a lineitem I have to use ordereditsetquntity mutation. We need to pass a calculatedLineItem as a parameter. How to get the calculatedLineItem for a particular line item?
HI,I have the similar requirement. Any solution for this?
Hi,I have a requirement to uo update the Tags value which should not fire the order/update event. Is there any possible solution for this?
HI,I would like to fetch the customers data who has added the items to the cart but not proceed for checkout for last 24 hrs.I tried with webhooks with Cart/Update event but it does not give us the customer information.IS there any solution for this?...