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How about it?  Is there a plan to integrate the Shopify POS with Shopify Tax?  If so, when?
I am looking for a solution to a tax collection problem I'm having with Shopify POS, which I believe could be solved with any one of three solutions:  1) Integration of Shopify Tax into the Shopify POS, 2) Ability to set local tax rates in the Shopif...
We're having a similar problem.  It started at 10AM on December 1; the State sales tax is still being charged, but the county and city sales taxes are not.  This is only happening to our sales completed through the POS; web orders still appear to be ...
I also have a similar issue.  I'm in Manhattan, KS, which spans two counties - about 75% of town is in Riley County, and the remainder is in Pottawatomie County.  My brick-and-mortar store is in Pottawatomie County, but Shopify is charging Riley Coun...
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