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Ich habe eine elegantere Lösung gefunden. Und zwar mit Lokalisation. In de.json einfach mehrere Felder hinzufügen und dann wie folgt verwenden: <div> {% for field in product.metafields.custom %} {% assign attribute_code = field | first %} {...
Any update to this issue? It is really annoying problem. I can think of including something like slick slider, but that would be a rather desperate action, which might affect performance since it uses JQuery and actually a big library itself https://...
thank you for your input! Any material on how to actually code something similar yourself?
How would one create circles with customers quotes (something similar to the pictures below) through theme customisation?I want to add a widget, that would show circle pictures with a quote from customers in a slider:image source:
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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