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I'm a dropshipping newbie, and I'm wondering that after pushing product to sell on my store.How do I do next? Does your app intend to support that next step?
With productVariantsBulkCreate, you need 1. Add all images in media input first2. In each variant payload input, add the image in the above list.It will work. For productVariantsBulkUpdate:Hope you can find the new way out.For me, I got all the media...
After researching, the main thing that I want to change the inventory management for a fulfillment service location to a new fulfillment service location. By going to Variant detail and update the option Inventory will be stocked at manually, and it...
The inventory locations, I think this is where saving stock of products.When you create store, it has a default location for store, is the main location.You can create more location with fulfillmentService mutation, this called the location of custom...
I have a problem with stock and location. The issue is:1. I created fulfillment service and then pushed product with variant stock success to my store.2. Testing by creating new fulfillment service , or even if removing app (when removing app, the st...
I find a way to resolve is: - use mutation productCreate- then use productVariantBulkCreate mutation to create variant- then you can update quantity for new variannts
Sorry all, I found my error: name => name of variant selected option ( like L,M, Blue, White...)
optionName. => name of product option (like Size, Color, Material) But I did with the reverse back. My problem was fixed. Thanks all,
mutation productVariantsBulkCreate($productId: ID!, $media: [CreateMediaInput!] , $strategy:ProductVariantsBulkCreateStrategy!, $variants: [ProductVariantsBulkInput!]!) {
productVariantsBulkCreate(productId: $productId, variants: $variants, media: $m...
Can anybody help me, please?
I realized that the location id created with fulfillment service API. If you create product and variant with this location. You can then use mutation inventorySetOnHandQuantities for updating quantity. In case using the mutation productSet for crea...
Hi, I stuck at update or adjust values for variants with 2024-04 version, with fulfillment service location. I wanna update the workflow updating the quantity of products, from my development app, using GraphQL in 2024-04 version API. The mutation...
Thanks @cbella and Christine, Your answer helps me a lot.But, as I know that, the version 20240-4 will be applied from the beginning of the next year, 2025. And, currently, I wanna update the workflow updating the quantity of products, from my deve...
I used the mutation for setting quantities for product with fulfillment service location.mutation inventorySetOnHandQuantities($input: InventorySetOnHandQuantitiesInput!) { inventorySetOnHandQuantities(input: $input) { userErrors { field message }...
I cannot see "Mange Blog" link to add new blog post or pages.I've chosen a plan to activate my store, but I cannot add blog post. How can I add blog posts for my store? My store is Best regards,Quang
Hi,I connected with Stripe business account successfully.Note that my Stripe business account cannot review successfully by Stripe, because of some conditions. I found that, Shopify teams connect with Stripe business account with live mode, so all te...