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Same issue here. Could it be due to being on this list <>?
Adding something like "filter: brightness(75%);" to the "Custom CSS" of a "Section", in the "Customize" theme window, results in a popup stating "Online Store editor session can't be published". The editor window reduces the brightness as expected, b...
This just results in a popup stating "Online Store editor session can't be published"
I also have this issue using Shopify's reference Dawn theme. The theme editor adjusts the brightness of the image correctly, but then refuses to save the CSS. Some "clever" parsing somewhere has been updated with this CSS directive?
How did you mange this? As soon as we send in the initial fulfilment Shopify closes the fulfilment and rebuffs any further event or fulfilment messages with a "fulfilment closed" message and doesn't alter the state nor update the customer. This means...
The issue we have is that as soon as we send in the initial fulfilment Shopify closes the fulfilment and rebuffs any further event or fulfilment messages with a "fulfilment closed" message and doesn't alter the state nor update the customer
How do you get Shopify to progress fulfilments using the API? As soon as we send in the initial fulfilment Shopify closes the fulfilment and rebuffs any further event or fulfilment messages with a "fulfilment closed" message and doesn't alter the sta...
How did you mange this? As soon as we send in the initial fulfilment Shopify closes the fulfilment and rebuffs any further event or fulfilment messages with a "fulfilment closed" message and doesn't alter the state nor update the customer
How do you get tracking and delivery events in to Shopify when it closes the order as soon as the first event is received? We send in a fulfil event with a status of in_transit. Shopify notifies the customer with an in transit email and promptly clos...
Two years on and this still appears to be an issue. Tracking and delivered notifications work with the US carriers, not in Europe nor the UK
Hi ,The tracking info and delivered notifications not being sent from the Shopify system. We have the "Out for Delivery" and "Delivered" settings switched on, but this doesn't seem to be being applied.We are receiving order update web hook notificati...
How far have you got? What payloads are you sending to which Shopify end points, and what responses if any are you receiveing?
The cost of an item is £19.99 / $26 / €24, and our local tax rate is 20%. When the currency is changed to $ the price is reduced to $22 or €19.95. It is not until the very last checkout page when Shopify says "oh, you're in the UK" and puts the price...
Does anyone know if the fraud_details object is ever filled in? We are trying to intercept fraud order before the reach dispatch. We can use the cancel reason, which come in as "fraud", but even when this is the reason the fraud_details remains empty...
I was wrong, what the customer sees is correct, the above only applies to an admin attempting to edit the tracking info.