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So I'm curious why the spring, summer, fall, and winter are all different subscriptions. Why not one annual one with a swap every quarter?
Love that!- The app would need to be a subscription but the product changes (forus quarterly but could be bi-monthly or monthly).- We need to be able to keep inventory on each of those magazines inShopify.- We would need a yearly subscription option ...
I think it depends on how many subscribers one has and how often thesubscription is for. Ours is quarterly for now, but if it went tobi-monthly or monthly I would see an app as more valuable. At the moment weare growing our subscribers and have under...
No not yet... still looking! There are only apps if the subscription isthe same item and not changing quarterly, monthly ect. I would love to findone! Not sure how we are going to handle this yet, at the moment it issingle copies.
Also looking for a magazine subscription app for a quarterly publication that doesn't come out on the same date. A regular subscription app won't work because the product itself changes (a new quarterly magazine). Keeping customers coming every quart...
As far as I know we have to pay the county taxes too - at least we have been I mother nexus states.
I too am looking for a solution to this. One particular customer has an issue with a card they have had a long time. No moving, no changing and zip code matches. Is there a resolution for this? She has had this happen multiple times over years. Only ...