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Hello, I would like to monitor the status changes of channels in the Shopify flow.When I detect a change in the channel status, I want to automatically update the product status in the flow.For instance:If the online channel status of a product chang...
Thank you very much. I understand that it is not possible to make multiple API calls. I'm not sure how you will do this for multiple inventory updates in one API call and this loop won't generate multiple API calls for you. See
trigger is : Product status updatedcondition is : old status =  'ACTIVE' & product.status = 'DRAFT'action: update the product inventory quantity = 0 in all  locationsSend HTTP requesthttps://......admin/api/2023-04/inventory_levels/set.jsonbody ↓  {%...
Thank you Paul_n My question is  like this, is there a useful variable for getting the locations in flow ?{% for variants_item in product.variants %} { "location_id":828XXXXXXX, // I don't want to use hard coding here, and the locations will incr...
Hi, I have a question about how to obtain a list of location IDs in Shopify Flow. I want to update inventory quantities based on specific conditions. Since I have six locations and may have more in the future, obtaining a list of all location IDs wou...
Hi, I have a question about how to obtain a list of location IDs in Shopify Flow. I want to update inventory quantities based on specific conditions. Since I have six locations and may have more in the future, obtaining a list of all location IDs wou...
Hi @LitCommerce This is my slideshow.liquid code . {%- case section.settings.slider_height -%} {%- when 'small' -%} {%- assign slider_desktop_height = '400px' -%} {%- assign slider_mobile_height = '250px' -%} {%- when 'medium' -%} {%-...
Hi @LitCommerce >When you add 'Slide' it will include 2 options to display the image?Yes.>So in mobile, it will still display 2 images like desktop?Just show one image  is the best solution or use mobile-special picture.I found this linkhttps://fluor...
I want to split slideshow on Simple Theme like this .url: test Any help would be greatly appreciated.Stone
I  gave up on changing the simple theme layout.  
Hello,Currently I building a website  using Simple theme,  how could I change the logo position and home page layout like this? URL: testAny help would be greatly appreciated.Stone
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