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Have you thought of using an app from the Shopify Apps Store  to filter products in a collection? The apps will have a more advanced feature for filtering than what is available on the platform. The Smart Product Filter & Search and AI Search, Filter...
Hey there, would you mind sharing what theme you are using.  The main-cart-footer.liquid footer only applies to the Shopify newer themes, however if it is one of the older vintage themes, it is possibly cart-template.liquid  
Hey there. I've previewed your website on mobile using an Android phone and it's working fine. Have you tried using another mobile device to preview?
While looking at your screenshot again, so the reason you are seeing the Express checkout on the first page of checkout is because you have Paypal installed in the Settings > Payments > Paypal section.  If you no longer want to use Paypal as a form o...
Hey there,  This may be a bit too late but I've created a Youtube video to add the tax number to the Order Printer Invoice.  Its pretty simple code changes to the Order Printer Invoice template.You can check it out from here
Hey there, I've just created a tutorial on Youtube to resolve this: can go to main-cart-footer.liquid and find this code, then remove it.{%- if additional_checkout_buttons -%}   <div class="cart__dynamic-checkout-butto...
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