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We have tried to implement these tutorials so far. Unfortunately without success.Does anyone have an actual tutorial on how to deploy Shopify Remix App with AWS?
We are searching also for a Documentation or Instruction to Deploy for REMIX App on AWSWe find this Instruction but we are not sure about:
It’s truly disappointing that such a "small thing," which would require minimal effort for Shopify, is given no priority. This is simply ridiculous. Will there ever be a solution?At the very least, the app should be open source so that partners have ...
Hallo Gabe, mollie bietet kein Amazon Pay an!
Hallo Gabe,ich verstehe nicht, warum Shopify das nicht über die Tags regelt, anstatt über Kollektionen. Somit könnten die Produkte auch dynamisch in Kollektionen sein. Es ist wirklich sehr aufwändig, alle Produkte manuell in die richtige Kollektion z...
Al Final que Metodos de Pago integraste? Estamos nosotros checando la posibilidad de montar un Shopify Shop para un cliente chileno. Pero no sabemos muy bien que Servicios de Pagos se pueden activar y son los mas comunes. He esuchado que transbank pe...
Entonces como entiendo en Chile solo se puede utilizar Mercado Pago y Venti Pay. Que otros metodos de pago se pueden utilizar para chile. No me puedo imaginar que para Chile solo estén estas dos posibilidades. Muchas Gracias
Hello everyone,Does anyone already have best practices that should or could be implemented with the Shopify Flow App?Perhaps a page or YouTube channel with tutorials?I wanted to present the topic in our development team. However, I wanted to show som...
We use Translate & Adapt and wanted to use because is a Shopify developed product. We realized now, that we dont have te posibility to translate the Shopify Inbox Messages.
We have the same issue. We need to translate the Inbox App Chat Messages. are using already the Translate & Adapt App from Shopify. That should be an Essential. Multilingual Option for Inbox App
Hey Rich, the maeestroo support helped us with the issue:Hi,the second "shop" in this case was "STORE" while the mega-menu would only recognize the world "Shop". I have replaced this and now the megamenu is properly showing on the other languages. We...
Hey Gabe, wir haben auf jeden Fall ein Workaround implmentieren können.Ansatz:Erstellung eines Schemas über die "de.json""blog_tags": { "Tag1": "Übersetzung1", "Tag2": "Übersetzung2", "Tag3": "Übersetzung3" // und so weiter für alle Tags } Dann in de...
We currently have also this Storefront problem with all the shops we support.
Hello Rich, thanks for your feedback. I forwared your answerd to the FOCAL-Theme-Maeestro-Support and hope to find a solution for this Problem. I will give you feedback. Kind regards
Hello, we are using focal theme and contact already the support because we have the problem, that the Megamenu Settings are not working for the other languages. Main Language is German and looks great: For other Languages is not looking as we especta...
My Accepted Solutions
Subject | Views | Posted |
562 | 11-15-2023 11:13 AM | |
430 | 10-28-2023 03:14 AM | |
656 | 10-25-2023 02:20 PM | |
359 | 10-25-2023 01:13 PM | |
1919 | 10-10-2023 08:46 AM |