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Hi everyone,I am having problems adding data to the metafield type money.(Using Products import Wizard Pro app)I wanted to add data to it via an xml file, but the metafield won't take the data.This is how the data is send in the xml["9.99", "EUR"]So ...
Hi Amin-F,I had a chat with Shopify Support and they had this answer:I've looked over your previous discussion at Shopify Community and I understand you've had some trouble with the automatic conversion of four specific JPEG images to WebP. I wanted ...
Hi FlareAI,I am having the same issue, but I have no overflow: visible on my site, i have no all: inherit and I have tried to add overflow: clip to the img, video, canvas to my base css. None of it works.Have been following google's blog post:https:/...
Hi,I am having the same issue. Have any of you heard anything or found a solution?I don't know, if it could have anything to do with automatic image delivery update that came back in August 2022.
I got it working. You need to resend the real giftcard that you get from the order(If you don't have it in your mail inbox) and not any test preview. Have it set it up like YyOz and when i did that it worked. But it does not work in any test preview,...
I am experience the exact same thing as Cavera. I also see the properties in cart, checkout and order. It is really weird.. What template are you using @yy0z?
It is the same place where i am stuck..
Thats what i am trying to do, the is the way to get the line item properties from the gift_card object or that is atleast how i see it. If you can share your solution that would be great
No, it is not in the email template but in the gift card liquid file in the dawn template.
I am having the same problem..I tried the docs and it says gift_card have properties, but i have tried multible ways and nothing works. So if anyone has a lead or a way to inplement the properties that would be great (The line-item property is alrea...