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...or maybe just post the solution for us all as you came here in the first place looking for a solution from community members
No worries, I gave up on the Shopify Gift card facility ages ago. Unless you use one of their bona-fide Themes it does not fully function, such as the option to send gift card as a gift to another person. So, if have any theme other than one of Shopi...
Thanks for your observation, but I think I have clearly highlighted a problem with several scenarios and the implications. If you want it in little word's I can maybe use a size 6 font 
I had a similar issue some time ago on another website platform where I had de-activated my website. When I made contact with their customer service I was informed that I should have cancelled my subscription first or deactivate auto-renew. They did ...
As we know Shopify anti-fraud measures on their website platform are not the most robust in the world. We will all I'm sure at some point experience some sort of breach. In my case I had major security breaches with Shopify Gift card installation whi...
I think the lesson here is Nothing in life is free.. 
We had this very same issue with Shopify Gift Cards whereby several purchases were made using a gift card (set up in the Shopify gift card facility) together with a credit card where part of the purchase was a small amount on the credit card side. My...
Has anyone else had this issue. A while ago I set up the Gift Card facility on my Shopify store. I don't sell many Gift Cards but a few have gone through fine.  A few weeks ago I had six attemts within 15 minutes by fraudsters trying to use false gif...
Well I think that lengthy explanation answered a question nobody asked. All people want to know is why the pixel is greyed out and they cant choose it to add/update products, not how to set it all up from the start again. I think you are just trying ...
...right, after my previous very late into the night rant I finally got somewhere. Firstly where Shopify keeps flagging up unable to replace Commerce Account. I discovered from a very helpful support member on Facebook that you have to...assuming you...
Having spent 3 hours talking to support on the chat line only to be told it was a facebook problem in the end is quite shocking. I then spoke to facebook for two hours to again be told it was a bug and are getting some team or other to look into it a...
I'm also just at that point in setting up Facebook with Shopify where the box lights up saying : "It looks like Commerce account, xxxxxxxx, already exists on Facebook. We need to create a new account with your Shopify information and products to get ...
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