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Are guys using Shopify Payments?
jeanclo what's your website URL?
I'm actually in Canada! Here's my website: goodprotein.caDo you mind sharing yours? Maybe we can identify some similarities that can cause the issue like a custom cart or something
We will try to recreate it internally, but haven't been able yet. Will keep you posted. In the meantime, we should spam their twitter to raise the flag
We're having the issue since August 31st and we lost more than a 100K in sales. We are still having the issue and Shopify doesn't have a clue. It took almost 3 weeks for them to finally acknowledge the issue. On sept 18th, I received an email from su...
Anybody found a solution on their end?
I understand when customers are contacting us, we can tell them to empty their cache but this is not a viable solution. People need to be able to checkout and not have to empty their cache beforehand.Anyone else found a solution?
So out 40 people that contacted, one was from Android.We're still experiencing this issue. Anyone else?
Yes, really frustrating. It's been 10 days now for us. Here's the latest update: that's nonsense because Android devices have the issue as well
Yes I turned off GTM, but we continue to have the issue unfortunately
I've made some tests (multiple devices and browsers) and couldn't replicate the issue on our end. But some clients still encounter the issue. Clients don't know they have to clean their cache until we tell them to, unfortunately. We use Google Tags M...
Hi Alex,Do you mind sharing what you've done to make it work? I'm still having issues unfortunately
@Bushra-s  @Zuzzi @AlexYZ Are you using a third party app for your tracking tags or Google Tags Manager?
Still happening here! I contacted Shopify twice last week twice and haven't received a reply yet. The agents were not aware of the issue which is beyond my understanding. The issue was raised for more than a week and no solutions yet
Same here! Raised the flag to Shopify support twice last week and no reply yet. The agents were not aware of this issue. How come it hasn't become a priority for Shopify yet? We are loosing a tremendous amount of sales each day. We tried identifying ...
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