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Perfect! I updated the solution a little bit to more generic and it solved the problem.
Hi, I try to update to Dawn v15 and have one issue. At my product page I try to show some information based on meta fields content. {% assign current_variant = product.selected_or_first_available_variant %}{{ current_variant.metafield.custom.infofiel...
Hello, I used to display detailed information about the status and dispatch route on my order status page.I had stored a Javascript code for this, which analyses a tag and displays text accordingly....{% if tags contains "in Production" %}...This wil...
Hi .. there is NO good way to debug/troubleshoot with flow. I´m not a fan of such solutions. Maybe this behavior is caused by an asynchronous job behind. Maybe they write this property only after some other jobs and this is the reason. In my case the...
At the beginning I just filter a little bit and this can be done much better: created_at:<='{{ scheduledAt }}' AND created_at:>'{{ scheduledAt | date_minus: "14 day" }}' After that I check if there is an referral code from the last visit:getOrderData...
We use both a shopify store with different apps and configuration. 
Okay .. at the moment there are only 5 to 10 products .. and we need an synchronisation of the stock. We use both shopify (in germany) with different configurations and apps. We would prefer and built-in solution. 
Hi .. I need an easy way to connect two stores. - my store- the store of an partner I wan´t to sell my products in my store and also in a partner store and reverse. This should work as a kind of Drop-Shopping. How can this be done?
I had been looking for a way to tag each order depending on where the customer came from. I can now simply add a "?ref=sourcekey" to the URL. This ensures that a field is filled in Shopify when the order is placed in the conversation. I have now crea...
I don´t understand what you mean .. it´s not possible?! The content of the metafield "LC:Code,MC:Add" is written in this way, because I only can filter simple textline fields and I need to store an list with 0 to 10 comma separated key-value-pairs. A...
No .. but now .. if there is an "textline" "LC" it works now, but because of only a "textline" is possible, I added "LC:Code,MC:Add" .. now I can not filter for "LC" or "LC:" .. or is there an case sensitive way to query for this?
After many research and trouble shooting .. it´s easy. Use the "?rel=key" in the URL, and change "key" by what you prefer. After that I created an flow to simply add a tag with this to the order:track-ref_{{order.customerJourneySummary.lastVisit.refe...
I tried to use the admin API to get all variants with a special value in a metafield. Okay this isn´t possible with the admin API. Then I tried to do this via the Storefront API because there is an example in the docu, but the filter has no effect. D...
Okay .. but this is just the "end of my story" to report the orders tagged by "abc". But this answers not how the orders will be "marked", "tagged" or what ever with "abc" via an link.
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