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Hi, I would like my shop's logo to show on google. Here instead of the world logo. Anyone knows how to add it?Thank you!
Hello! I receive emails saying that I have a message from a customer through a form I have on my shop ( But I cannot find the messages and, therefore, respond to them. Does someone know where I can find them? T...
Also, I have added the following but it hasn't changed it all...
Thank you very much! But I would like to have a different color in every collection/products, is that something possible too or I can only choose one color?
thank you and is it possible to change the color?
Hello I would like my products description (both in English and Dutch) to look a little bit more appealing. In every product description, there are 3 sections: what I do, how to use me, and why I am special. I would like these 3 sections to stand o...
Hi @PageFly-Victor Thank you so much! It works for the one I attached here (the pink one). I would also like it for the other ones on the main page tho and it didn't change for them. Is that possible? Again, thank you!!
@Denishamakwana It looks like this in mine
Hi @Denishamakwana Thanks for your answer! However, I don't see anything changing...
Hi @PageFly-Victor Here is my store URL: Thank you
Hello @Ahsan_ANC It is a perfect solution for desktop view, but I just realized it doesn't happen for the phone view. Any idea how to solve this? Thanks a lot!
Hello there! I enabled everyone to see my webshop when I realized that the phone view is not how the laptop view is. For example, my images are cut, as you can see in the picture. The first picture is from the phone view (wrong), and the second is fr...
Hi!Thank you so much for your answer! This worked, just one more thing... is it possible to put it bottom center? Like here where the black rectangle is
Hello! Does anyone know how can I customize my text links in the slides of my home page? They are too big when I choose them to be in the bottom left, and too much in the middle covering my image when I choose them to be in the center... URL: https:/...
Hi URL: 12345