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Thank you very much, found it and solved!
Hello everyone,I would like to change the general price to black. As you can see in the picture below, the price is currently showing in red.I've tried other solutions but it didn't work. Which asset do I need to change exactly?
Beste,Op de homepage van het impulse theme kan je gemakkelijk een foto plaatsen. Hier plaats ik graag een video maar dit lukt niet. Ik lees overal berichten dat ik deze op de achtergrond ergens moet wijzigen. Hoe dat moet kom ik niet uit, iemand die ...
Hi everyone,I hope anybody kan help me. I can't add a video on the homepage for the theme impulse. I read in other posts that i have to adjust something. Who can help me what i need to do?
Hey @Victress ,I have the same problem with the video. Can you tell me exactly where i put the codes in the frame?