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The checkout button on my website is not working. Can someone help me please?
Ik heb een automatische korting ingesteld. Maar de korting gaat er pas af in het winkelmandje. Zo weten mijn klanten niet welke items in de sale zijn en welke niet. Hoe kan ik ervoor zorgen dat dit al bij het product zelf staat vermeld? Dus met de ni...
Ik heb een automatische korting ingesteld. Maar de korting gaat er pas af in het winkelmandje. Zo weten mijn klanten niet welke items in de sale zijn en welke niet. Hoe kan ik ervoor zorgen dat dit al bij het product zelf staat vermeld? Dus met de ni...
I prefer not to add anyone to my website, could you give me instructions on how to solve the problem?
Unfortunately, I've tried that several times, but nothing happens.
No, I didn't receive any instructions.This is what it looks like when I open the app: and when I click "add widget" I am directed to my website, but I can't do anything on it
I would like to add a widget on my website from Trust Pilot. I already have the app installed and when I click on add widget, I am taken to a new window, but I cannot do anything in it. Can someone please help me?
Hii, This is my store URL: password: bink2016
Hi, I have a collage with products on my homepage, but the picture is very blurry. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!
My Terms of conditions page is just linked to the right template, but I get to see the wrong info. How can I change this?
I would like to remove the QR-code, because i dont have a physical store
Thank yo so much! Is it also possible to remove it from the apple wallet?
Which link do you need?
I have the same problem. Do you know how to solve it yet?