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Hi everyone, I'm looking for an expert to help set up global markets for my Shopify store, including pricing, taxes, and shipping. I need someone who can prepare my store for international sales and provide comprehensive advice on best practices. Any...
Hi,  I noticed a delay in the loading time of my logo's font. It doesn't happen all the time but often enough. It's a custom font, not part of the theme.It shows the old/original theme font for a moment and then it switches to the new, custom font, l...
Here too... Can't login to my store. Thanks.
Hi. Thank you for your response. The problem occurs on different devices, mobile and laptop in different locations, so it is not the internet connection.And it does affect my page, hence I'm seeking for a solution to fix it.
Hi, When I refresh the home page of my site, on occasion, two of my menu icons (account login and shopping bag) appear magnified for a second and then go back to normal.Has anyone experienced anything similar?Any ideas?Thanks.
Hi, I added the code in editor at the bottom of the styles.css.liquid This is what worked for me:.complementary-products__grid { display: flex; flex-direction: row; } .complementary-product { display: flex; flex-direction: column; ...
Hi, I'm trying to remove the login/logout text in my theme and replace them with the an icon.I have added the icon to my header (see code below) but I can' seem to target it in order to make it smaller. Can anyone help please? Thank you!    ...
Got it. Let me think about this and I'll contact you if I decide to go with it. Thank you again!
Thank you so much, Stephen, I'll look into those apps!Just one more question, would you happen to know if there's a way to add a blurred thumb image on the collection page? And then once you click on that product and you pass the age gate it just goe...
Hi, Would anyone know if there's a way to create an age gate for certain product pages only? So that when you click on that specific product on the collection page it opens an age gate.I tried adding it in editor but it applied the page age section t...
Hi,I'm trying to create a fixes bundle with 3 products. Each of them come in 3 different sizes and 3 different colors.I tried using the Shopify Bundles app but it seems to have limitations when it comes to number of variants. (see image below).Is the...
Yes, it's gone! Thank you so much, @suyash1 !
Thank you, Suyash! I just added you.
Aah, sorry about that. It's done. Thank you!
Hi @suyash1 , I can't seem to find it. Here's the code from the menu mobile file, if you don't mind having a look. Thank you so much, much appreciated!{% if type == 'mega' %} <li class=" megaMenu-dropdown sub-menu js-megaMenu-...
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