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As I have seen, Shopify only charges for services and does not help anyone, so I have thought about changing my page to another place that can manage it more securely, such as Godaddy or others, since Shopify does not help its clients and what one re...
Thank you very much and enjoy your time 
Hello, I received a message like this saying it's Shopify team I would like to know if that is spam since I have never received email from that person
Thank you very much, but Shopify does nothing to help and after one has paid so much money to have this membership and must help one because it does not, Dropship beauty what it is doing is a scam since a company that is dropship or sale to the Whole...
I would like you to help me since I am new here for only a month but I have experience in sales and I wonder how you allow these apps like Dropship Beauty to sell so expensively to us that we pay a monthly fee and we pay you too well here I send some...
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