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I found the query I was looking for, this gives me the ids for Options and Values, that I can then use to get the translate resource digest code that is needed to send translation for option/values for single product.. query { product(id: "gid://shop...
Well the main problem is to find the right Option_id value If I list all Product_Options, i get long list of same Options values that have been assigned to different products, so I kinda need to know what options are within the product so I know w...
Same problem here, I am unable to figure out how to get those translate digest ids for Options / Values for a Product/Variant.. anyone figure out how to query those based on Product Id or Variant Id? If I use the translatableResources with PRODUCT_O...
Hello @Derek_Morin , Will your app support pushing more than 100 variants with discounts via Shopify graphql from a third party application?