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Hi, @donnamac Are you still having this issue?  I haven't had a problem since we all created defined metafields and pinned it.  I thought maybe your category metafield may have been unpinned.  That was the only thing I could think of as a possible re...
@Kathy_Bankston I hope the pictures help.  For each google field that I use, I entered a name (which I chose as the metafield itself.  You can name it however way you want to).  Now, each time I create a new product (I sell clothing and accessories),...
Tried this and it works!  Added definitions to the fields so that it will show metafields will show for new products.  I entered a new product and entered the Google fields (now metafields) I normally populate.  To check, went to Google bulk editor a...
Thank you.  I don’t care for that method, either. 
Hello, All.Is anyone else experiencing this issue?  The Google Fields within the More Actions drop-down menu is missing.  It's not in the main Products page nor the individual product page.    Thank you for your time.Jeany
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