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Hey Shopify Devs and Theme Tweakers, I’ve been working on a Shopify store with a premium theme, and like many of you, I’ve made a few adjustments to the code over time. Now, there’s an update available for the theme, and I’m wondering how you all han...
Ich habe diesen Server erstellt, weil ich festgestellt habe, dass es schwierig ist, Gleichgesinnte mit ähnlichen Interessen in der Entwicklergemeinschaft zu finden. Mein Ziel ist es, einen Ort zu schaffen, an dem sich Entwickler aus ganz Deutschland ...
The App is not available in Germany: And we have the same Problem.
When attempting to set up URL redirects in the Shopify Admin Panel, there's an inconsistency in how Shopify handles Cyrillic characters in URLs. It appears that Shopify checks the length of the encoded URL instead of the decoded version. Steps to Rep...
I have a very general question that is currently keeping me thinking if i still should use Shopify.Over the last few years, I have been selling Self Hosted WebShop Solutions to my clients. All the plugins that belonged to the shop were also run on th...
Add custom CSS to your theme:.shopify-policy__container {max-width: 100% !important;}
You need to add some custom css to your theme:For example:.banner__media {height: calc( 100vh - 134px);
Do you mean like that?:
Can you send us the Store Password to see the Banner?And do you mean the height should fill up the to the bottom?
i attached the css fix in my first comment.
It is a mix of two elements:1. Your searchbar Button is position absolute. This need to be changed. 2. You locale selector is to long. Fix:.header-top form {display: flex;}.locale-selectors__selector {width: 80%;}