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Could i give you access to my store?
this is the issue im talking about do you see the white gap between the footer and the header? 
and is there any way I can stretch the image to the footer?Thank you so much
It works great! Thank you so much, however now theres some white bars appearing throughout the screen, any clue on how to combat those?
Its a test store so there's a whole lot wrong with it but the link is
I want to use a single gif or image files as the background to my store and my current code which is in a screenshot below is causing there to be multiple of the same images rather than just one. Is there a way to fix this?  
is it possible to add some sort textbox to this part of shopify (refer to screenshot below)(During the add information/select shipping process)
issue resolved (don't know how to delete this post)
Can someone please come and investigate my store to figure out why the add to cart functionality isn't working?Store name
I would love that thank you so much, what are the next steps for achieving this?
I practically begged this guy to show me how he adjusted stores to make them more speed efficient & offered to pay extra, as the skill would be of great utility to me. To which he replied it was much too complicated which could still very well be tru...
I changed around my base.css file to make everything transparent to show the animated background and somehow my cart drawer got caught in the crossfire. Any solutions to this? I can share my base.css file if necessary(If you'd like me to share the ba...
Hey ExpertRookie! This worked for the most part and solved my biggest problem of getting the actual background uploaded. Thank you so much! I've noticed that the borders for my featured collections and backgrounds are now getting in the way of the st...
That would be awesome, how should we get started?
Could anyone assist me with making the background of my website look like the following linked website? Can't seem to figure out how to do this.
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This widget could not be displayed.
This widget could not be displayed.
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