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Hi, I think I have figured it out. This is the code I tried now:<script type="application/ld+json">{"@context": "","@type": "BreadcrumbList","itemListElement": [{"@type": "ListItem","position": 1,"name": "Hem","item": "{{ shop.url }...
Trying to implement this myself, but is getting "Unnamed item"-error in Rich Results Test for product pages. It seems that the product-title isn't rendered.  I have created a snippet with your updated code and I am rendering it in theme.liquid.  Plea...
Hi, I am also looking for a solution like this in the Craft theme, but can't get it to work.  Actually the function seems to be there:<details id="Details-{{ }}-{{ }}" {% if section.settings.open_first_collapsible_row and forloop....
But there you can only enable Collection search in the predicative search result, not in the search result. Is there a way to show matching collections at the very top in the actual search result page?
Suddenly this became an issue for me to. Can't finalize a search enquiry in the search bar by pressing ENTER/RETURN. I have to grab my mouse and click on the bottom of the preview "Search for..." to finalize.  This is only present in desktop view. In...
I figured this out - the curl was invalid.
I am trying to create a draft order through the api. I have created an app in App Development in Shopify admin, and got the admin API token.  I am now trying to send a http request with Filemaker's function Insert from URL, with following json to "ht...
Ok! I found it in footer.liquid:<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script> I have now removed it. Does it look good from your point of view? I really appreciate you helpin...
Thanks! Ok, I have now removed the code in meta-tags.liquid and instead inserted your line of code before the footer in theme.liquid, correct? In the live site it now looks like this:Good? Right now I have 67 in Performance rating on Pagespeed for an...
Hi,thanks for your effort explaining this to me! What is your recommendation - should I just remove this line of code entirely from the snippets/meta-tags.liquid?  You seem to be right in regards to the Google penalty - since the "optimization" my Se...
Yes! Sure! Our site:
No, our adress is and our isn't alpha3861. The site is live and hasn't a storefront password. So you are welcome to check it out at Looking forward hearing from you.  With kind regards, - Joh...
 Hi everyone! I hope someone can shed some light on this...   We experienced some bad scores on PageSpeed etc and I contacted a Shopify "expert" on Fiverr with great ratings.  The overall performance went up big time. But still the Core Web Vitals fo...
Hi,I can't get this to work properly. I got around 30 blog posts in a certain blog and have implemented the accepted solution, but the links doesn't deliver "next" and "previous" blog posts, instead it delivers only two different blog posts.  This is...
I actually found a Shopify blog post by Liam Griffin (How to Create an Index List for Metaobject Pages (2023) - Shopify), in regards to this, but the blog post are missing the essential code snippets... I have been in contact with Shopify support tha...
My Accepted Solutions
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