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Hello, We need to remove this code:<meta name="google-site-verification" content="K58VdEmL2C2JndpsoVibT4vTTp3wXVK3ZDsrBWrewRw"> And replace it with this code:<meta name="google-site-verification" content="SPo54cNhLwaCrvhC6dof01TigYBj_6Yr9qRSi_DnpxA" ...
We too would like to get a billing phone number added to checkout. We often have to contact the customer about their order or confirm details. This is much easier when we can pck up the phone and speak to them in person especially if we want to confi...
This solution works the best as it doesn't cut off any of the banners but the navigation bar is sticky - Is there a way to keep the Announcement Bart sticky but the Navigation Bar "Sticky, on scroll up"?
We have set our navigation Header to 'Sticky Header - On scroll up' and would like our Announcement Bar to be sticky i.e. visible all the time. We have tried adding all the codes from similar discussion topics but they don't work. The bar always disa...
Thank you! This suggestion worked
I have gone through and tried all the solutions but nothing seems to work.I am trying to get the Policy pages to increase in width. They are very narrow. We are using Dawn Theme version 8.0
Thanks, @SmallTask - I'm new to Shopify and not exactly sure how to do that.1. Could I duplicate the code from my multicolumn.liquid section on the home page and create a new section? 2. How do I add this new section to the footer.liquid section?3. A...
How do I add a full-width section where I can add/remove .png logo mages and the entire section links to a page on our site about payment options?Basically, I want a block of logos for other payment methods we offer e.g. Finance options just above th...