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I am sorry but it still doesn´t work. The bar is doing what it should but i can´t seem to change anything besides the text. But i would need to change the padding to the top, the colors and also the font.
Unfortunately it doesn‘t work
How can i change the colors, the font and the size of the new announcement bar? 
It works. thank you so much 
Hi, this is the Code: <Style>.announcement-bar__message {padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 0px;white-space: nowrap;-moz-transform: translateX(100%);-webkit-transform: translateX(100%);transform: translateX(100%);-moz-animation: scroll-left 2s linear i...
Hi, can someone tell me how to add a countdown to the announcement bar? I would need the Countdown to automatically reset every day. Thanks and best regards
Hello, i addeda Marquee Announcement Bar in my Store and i really love it. But i would like to make 2 changes to it.Number 1: i would like to have more than 1 message in the announcement bar.Number 2: i would like the text to start in the middle of t...
Thank you very much. Do you by any chance know an App which offers such a slider on a free basis? 
Hello, can anyone tell me how to make the anouncement bar rotating just like here: Shop is: is: Keba Thanks and best regards
Hello,does anyone know how to make my sticky header go down more smoothly just like my announcement bar?Store Link: KebaThanks and best regards
How and where should i insert this code? @Columbus_Themes 
@GemPages thank you so much for your effort but we decided to go with the solution from @BSS-Commerce .
Hi there,   does anybody know how to make the announcement Bar in Dawn sticky without overlapping with the logo at the top?   Thanks and best regards
It worked @GemPages . Only thing that is missing is to get the Social Media links and the Newsletter aligned to the center.
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