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Hallo, gibt es hier denn schon eine Lösung? Wir haben das gleiche Problem mit gemischten Warenkörben in Bezug auf die USt.Es scheint schon seltsam, das so ein elementar wichtiges Thema Shopherstellerseitig nicht gelöst werden kann. @Gabe Kann das bit...
We want to go ahead to get a possibility to add images via URL in this section. Thank you, I already sent an email.
hmm.. no it doesn´t work without this message....would be great if you could assist me. the section is called: "media-url-with-text" I want to embed images via URL and with the current settings I am not able to choose a URL Metafield - just Data Meta...
Hello,If I try to add this code to my liquid, I get this error: Invalid preset "Media-URL with text": invalid block "image": undefined block type.I want to add images in the section via URL (metafield)I do not want to add images via selection Do you ...
Hello at all, i try to embed an Image in a Section block but it doesn´t work. Maybe someone can help me. I am new with Shopify and need some help. Here is the section block I want to add: "blocks": [{"type": "image","name": "Image","settings": [{"typ...
Nobody any Idea? all right, then an easier question:Am I able to add product images at metafields?If i want to add a picture, I am not able to choose an existing product image. Thanks for your help
Hello at all,maybe someone can help me.I am just building up my product template and i want to add product images automatically underneath my product to show more details about the product.Here is a link to a test product in our store:https://bavaria...
Hi Gabe,ja ich konnts lösen. In dem Fall bin ich so vorgegangen, dass ich in der inventory.liquid diesen Befehl gestetzt hab:{{- 'product.inventory.in_stock' | t: versandzeit: product.metafields.next_cart.versandzeit -}} Und schon funzts Danke trot...
Hallo liebes Schwarmwissen, ich habe derzeit ein Problem mit der Ausspielung von Metafeld-Inhalten in meinem Theme (Impact Theme) Wir haben das Metafeld "Versandzeit" angelegt {{ product.metafields.next_cart.versandzeit }}Dieser Inhalt sollte auf der...