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It worked but it is interrupting with header settings which are set to be sticky always though it is not by adding this code.
It didn't not work also now sticky header is not working. Maybe that is because of the below code i added for website sliding issue:@media (max-width: 768px){html, body {overflow-x: hidden !important;}}
In base.css?How about desktop site. I just enabled mega menu. It will be visible now.
I want to move menu hamburger, account, and cart icon in logo row.Also, on desktop site there is this gap in mega menu and search bar.
It adds gap in each card in my situation. I had like it to be 75% mobile or tablet screen. Edit:Added the code and it fixed.<style>@media only screen and (min-width: 600px) {.grid__item img.motion-reduce {max-width: 250px!important;object-fit: contai...
Where to add this exactly?
Hi there, Please let me know. how i can add risk reducers as shown on home page.
Hi there, Please let me know, how to place main menu under the logo.
Hi there, I have added multi column on home page and inserted link as shown, but the link is not working.