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I had my store all set up with correct images for all products and product variants. I exported the products to do some work. After I exported I added a column to the left and numbered it from 0 to 11307. I reordered the sheet, did the work then reup...
I have a number of products with AAA // BBB format (see below image) how would I search for these in the shopify dashboard please? 
I'm struggling to understand why in the shopify dashboard if I go to products and search for everfest extended I get this truncated result which starts at R and goes to the end of the everfest collection returning items with variant "extended"But whe...
Same question. Surely not another paid add on for such a simple thing that *every* site will need? Oh, wait...
Just noticed that when I do da search using the magnifying glass at the top right of my website, the results come in a random order and include blog posts etc.Is there a way to make the search results (which can com...
That's it Victor! My website is complete thanks to your fantastic help. If you have a buy me a coffee or go fund me page, please reply with it here and I will certainly send you a donation! What a wonderful person you are x 
Perfect answer, as usual. Youa re brillaitn Victor, thank you so much for your help.
Hi Diego. This is almost the correct solution except that the multi column section contents start approx 80px in from the left edge. So the question remains, how can I make the page title align with the multi column contents left edge please?
Another perfect solution. Thanks Victor, you are the best!
I worked out how to do this. I just removed the multi column title/heading then changed the custom css for the page section to include:h1 {font-size: 32px;}Althoguh I haven't quite worked out how to make the title run the full width of the page and l...
All of the header links on my website, point to pages where the title aligns with the left edge of the body text or the section below it. Except on this page, expansions where the title is centred on the multi colum...
On my webite, across the header are a number of links to pages.On the linked pages:ExpansionsBuylistTestimonialsSign Up andContact UsThere is a large gap between the page title and the page text. Throughout the site...
I have tried to handle this in a different way, please see my other question regarding page title h1 page width. It's annoying me that the blog post page using the blog card can be done the way you have showed *without the need to have a page section...
What I have done instead is remove the multi column heading/total and instead made the page visible above it and put the title there. Now I just need to work out how to make that title span the full width of the page, as the multi column does. Thanks...
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