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Last weekend, I spent several hours trying to figure out how to add the fraud list to Flow, but it just doesn’t work. With the old fraud filter, it was simple—you just clicked “create new” and filled in the blanks. Now, with the new fraud setup, you ...
bumps, now you cant add new entrys, and all others fraud app are charging you a leg. . Why de-active a working builtin shopify app ?
I’m requesting that Shopify keep the old fraud filter. Deactivating support for it is fine, but please leave the fraud filter itself intact, because the new Flow system just isn’t good. I’ve been using the old fraud filter for years. It wasn’t per...
I’m in the same boat—I’ve been using the old fraud filter for years. as i check today, only about 1% of rules moved to Flot. per shoplif description Flot only moves new data that used within the last 12 months, its not good enought ) I tried addin...
Same here, cant login and cant load any orders from SS, tried many computer many browser, 500 is server end glitch, please fix it,
have anyone experience the same problem ? I contact the Shopify, they said its know issue and working on it, so far no updates, out of stock items are active in admin's collection pages, but some shows in the storefont, some not shows,they says its...