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You have to go through your liquid code and fix it, you can find it probably in product-template.liquid or similar file
Hi @CRART You can comment or remove this code from main-cart-footer.liquid section {%- if additional_checkout_buttons -%} <div class="cart__dynamic-checkout-buttons additional-checkout-buttons"> {{ conte...
Hi @fatsaints I hope you are doing wellYou have some broken html and unclosed html tags that are causing issueThanks!
Hi @DanielFlores It is good practise to add shipping cost to product and offer free shipping, it is one of sale tacticYou have to add price in such a way that it doesn't seem too costly to customers thoughThanks!
Hi @swiglab You have to add products tag as well like this "10-00-20-00" for pricing to make it work correctlyThanks!
Hi @jsclingman You can uncheck these boxes so it won't be combined with other discount couponsPlease check if it can help youThanks!
Hi @EdensBakehouse Please put this css in theme.liquid before body closing tag </body><style> @media(min-width: 769px) { .footer-block--newsletter.scroll-trigger.animate--slide-in { width: calc(100% / 3); margin: auto; justify-content...
Please check inside translationsTheme Content --> Checkout & system
Hi @randytheasian Please put this code in theme.liquid before body closing tag </body><style> @media screen and (min-width: 750px) { .footer-block--newsletter { flex-wrap: nowrap; justify-content: center; display: block; ...
Hi @randytheasian You can add from theme settings --> social modia in theme customizerThanks!
You are trying to add it in custom cssIt will be added as a separate block then put content thereLike this:In product information, click add block then choose custom liquid and then add the block and drag that to desired locationThanks! 
Hi @NikosBat Use a custom liquid block in "product information" sectio on product page customizer and try this content there<div class="sale-message"> HOLIDAY WEEK SALE | LOW STOCK </div> <style> .sale-message { border: 2px solid #0f0; padding: 5px; ...
Hi @OneCap Please put this css in theme.liquid before body closing tag </body><style> product-item.product-item:after { bottom: 0; box-shadow: inset 0 0 152px #00000014; content: ""; left: 0; pointer-events: none; position: ab...
Hi @Tolunay It may be because of your country and text changed using localizationYou can confirm it by using some VPN of other country check if it is still in DutchThanks!
Hi @miltokas Please try this{{ product.metafields.custom.size_chart.content }} {{ product.metafields.custom.made_to_order.content }}Thanks!
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